This is something of a personal project that has been rattling around my head for a few years now, but which I have recently received encouragement to pursue. While it does fit with the theme of Monday, it is also more of a personal blog.
Some years ago, I worked for a greenhouse where they seemed to know every trick in the book for saving money and offering a good looking product. While I didn’t agree with every philosophy they had, the owners were honest people who stood by what they did and went well above what most other nurseries and greenhouses. I learned a lot working with them and it gave me a lot of ideas.
As you have probably come to understand in reading my blogs, I am a huge advocate of horticulture over agriculture and natural vs synthetic. I would love to build a commercial greenhouse that centers around my own philosophies and principles. A place that not only sells great plants, but also educates the public in how to improve their own lives with something so simple as the manner in which they grow their plants.
Right now, it is just an idea, but I have been working on a business plan, finding all of the relevant costs and data as well as looking into funding sources like grants and crowd-sourcing. If this goes from just an idea to a potential reality, expect to see pictures and learn lots of info in the coming months.
Hi, I linked over here from your post on the Sepp Holzer forum at Permies. I alos posted in the forum about my passive solar greenhouse design. If you interested, I would be happy to chat with you about your project.
You can find more info on my site at:
<a href="