
This blog has come about as a way for me to write articles that interest me, without being beholden unto the constant shifts in paradigm I had been running into through various outlets.

Originally, my online writing was on Associated Content (now known as Yahoo Voices), but they offer so precious little in the way of compensation that I have yet to see any real returns beyond the initial signup bonus. I quickly moved to Suite101 and loved them. They had a good editing team, a solid way for me to write on a number of topics that interested me and a reasonable payment system that meant I could earn a fair amount for the effort I put in.

Unfortunately, the change in how Google ranks websites caused the site to do a huge overhaul that has led to a drive towards becoming a social media style outlet. Long periods of down time and a huge shift in direction have made them far less appealing to me. Still, I do have articles I would like to write from time to time that suit online far better than a traditional magazine. Thus, a blog.

You will find that certain topics appear often. Backpacking, the outdoors, homesteading, game design and science fiction/fantasy are all likely to be common topics of articles. Less frequently I may touch on things like relationship advice or personal matters. Personal matters are likely to appear mostly in the FAQs on website, my Facebook account, Twitter or in the newsletter however.

I strive to offer useful and meaningful content. Will there at times be advertisements for services or products? Of course. I won’t however recommend anything I don’t personally feel is a superior product. If I include an affiliate link or similar connection within an article, it is because I honestly believe it is of value.

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