Latest Works

Want to find the latest works by D.X.Logan? Look no further. This includes more than just novels. There are also roleplaying game books. No direct articles anymore though since Suite 101 has closed.

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Weighing Styx and Stones Cover
The Undying Maiden
IMS1 to Control

What D. X. Logan's talking about

A sprawling place for all of my random thoughts and flights of fancy. The bonus is that there is a fair bit of useful information along with the bouts of creativity.

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Sold IP is Sanctioned Fan Fiction

An author named David Stewart once spoke at length about the nature of IP and…

My Take on the AI Debate

What do I mean when I say AI? AI is getting thrown around everywhere these…

SKIP and the Permaculture Experience

If you happen to follow Paul Wheaton or any of the activities on, you'll…

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About the Author

DXLoganD. X. Logan has made a point of broadening his perspective to the fullest in life. He's learned first hand a broad variety of jobs in the pursuit of knowledge. He's achieved a BA in Early Childhood Education, hiked the entire Appalachian trail in a single trip and done everything from working in a hospital to serving as a correctional officer. Each new area of life has given him a wider base of experiences to draw from when writing. He's written on many topics, crafted roleplaying games and published works of science fiction and fantasy.

The image to the upper left is D.X.Logan, a shocking revelation I am sure.