I’ve moved into the new apartment now and loving it. Sure, my ‘desk’ is currently a kitchen table with a stool and my bed is a simple mattress on the floor, but it is a start. What can I say? It takes funds to get moved and set up and a lot of work as well. It’s going to take time.
Once we have the kid’s room squared away, I can start working on my own room and setting up to be much more productive. I may not have a Dvorak keyboard, but I might still manage to get back up to that 200 wpm I managed for a while in college. Honestly, I’d be happy to just get back to 200 cpm.
Expect production to go back up again. Already I have seen some serious movement on my primary manuscript outside of the blog. I think more than anything, the peace of mind that comes from having a semi-private work space is doing wonders for my morale and greatly increasing my creativity. I feel good. I’d like to believe that my work is going to show just how much better I feel as well.