Weighing Styx and Stones
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Death comes to us all. Young and old, rich and poor, good and evil. None can escape their final judgment. Weighing Styx and Stones is a rules-light, stand alone, narrative-driven RPG. Through the interactions of a passing soul and death incarnate, players will explore the life of an individual and determine if they led a worthy life in the eyes of their judge.
How will a Valkyrie judge a prohibition era mobster? What judgments will an Aztec god of death make regarding a modern actor? Will the behavior of a Crusader be judged worthy in the eyes of the neutral arbiter known as the Grim Reaper?
There are any number of combinations to be explored and ways to seek the ultimate fate for each new soul heading into the afterlife. This game is ideal for playing with 2 players, though some permutations of judges allow for an extra player or two to participate. Simple enough to be learned in a day, but open enough to be explored over many different sessions. Weighing Styx and Stones is an ideal game to add to your collection for when you want to play with a friend, but don’t have enough people available for a longer or larger game.