Fiction Friday – Thanksgiving Poem


Due to other get-togethers, today was the day all of us were able to be in the same house for dinner. As such, I have spent the last two days working on a huge meal. Anyone who knows me will realize why it took two days to get it all done.


Everything was made from scratch and since oven space and cookware is limited, I wouldn’t have been able to make it all in a single day. I started working on a story for today, but didn’t care for how it developed, so will save it for another week. That will allow me time to clean it up and get it to an acceptable point. So what about today?


Instead, today will be a small poem. Some tiny wisp of words to focus both on the mundane aspects of the season and what allows it to be in the first place. I hope you enjoy this small diversion from more lengthy fare.


Turkey, potatoes, gravy,
Sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie.
Is it stuffing or is it dressing?
In the bird or on the side?
Cranberry-orange dressing,
Fresh rolls, always worth the fuss.
A yearly feast presented,
Be thankful for such surplus.


Postscript: FYI, I intend to post my very special heirloom pumpkin/squash pie recipe very soon. Be watching for it!

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